在我们的年度商业环境调查中, it is evident that Swedish businesses continue to regard 香港 as an attractive business location. 在接受调查的亚虎电子游戏官网平台公司中, 55%的受访者预计,他们所在行业的营业额将会增加, 和 33 per cent plan to increase their investments slightly or significantly in the next 12 months.

As many as 83 per cent of Swedish companies in 香港 consider 品牌 亚虎电子游戏官网平台 beneficial for business, 这一比例高于去年的72%. The survey’s respondents believe that the main characteristics of the “Swedish br和” in 香港 are 质量,其次是 信任设计,可持续性,创新,  安全. 

受访者中, 87 per cent stated that sustainability is a part of their business model or strategy. 消费品行业的重要性最高, where only nine per cent of the respondents believe that consumers consider environmental aspects or 一点也不.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis.


The Business Climate Survey for Swedish Companies in 香港 SAR 2024 is a joint initiative by 团队亚虎电子游戏官网平台: 亚虎电子游戏官网平台商业, 亚虎电子游戏官网平台商会, 以及亚虎电子游戏官网平台总领事馆.

The aim of the survey is to further underst和 the performance of Swedish companies, 他们对市场状况的看法, 他们面临的机遇和挑战, 以及他们对香港市场的展望.

2024年调查于2024年2月19日至3月6日进行. 回应率为58%. Out of the 108 Swedish companies in 香港 who were invited to take part in the survey, 63家公司参与.